Sunday Portrait Session

Time for a three hour session! I decided to start with my current standard of ball point pen, water color pencil and brush pen: I also decided to try some actual water color: I used a water color brush pen. No dipping for water, just squeeze! So far I'm loving it! Keep arting my friends!

Oil Progress

Some more oils in progress! Some paintings have had minor changes, and others were completely overhauled! I'll have to start figuring out names for the pieces. All titles below are tentative and can and probably will change. If you have any suggestions, I'm always open! Above It All Diluvian Arabesque Sedimentary Celebration Founder Cosmic Eyes... Continue Reading →

99 Portraits: 11, 12 and 13

Three more portraits since last time. While these fairly standard portraits are fine, I think I want to do some more crazy portraits. Because those are more fun. Still working on getting this style figured out. Feel free to comment on your thoughts on the process!   If you would like your portrait drawn, feel... Continue Reading →

99 Portraits: 9 & 10

Two more portraits finished. I'm still working with a ball point pen base, brush pen for the dark and conté pencil for the highlights. Occasional minor color highlights either in pen or pencil. First portrait since last time is for a former coworker who now resides in the UK: The second is for a former... Continue Reading →

This last week I was able to get two more portraits finished, plus a third one is mostly done. But I'll share that one next week. Portrait 7 is of an old college friend who is more than happy with a crazy pose. Of course this was exceedingly fun as a result. Yaaaar! Portrait 8... Continue Reading →

Life Drawing, June 3 2016

Another Friday, another life drawing at Jankura Artspace! This time we had a young, male model.  My gesture drawings weren't strong, but can't win them every day.  Friday nights is a long pose night, but we had a double tie in voting for which pose to do. We decided to do two poses instead. Since... Continue Reading →

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