With all the special drawing sessions, it feels like a while since I've been to a regular life drawing session! We started off with six gesture drawings to determine our long pose:   I got two drawings finished during the long pose. The curly hair was really difficult to work with, but it was still... Continue Reading →

Life Drawing, 02.04.16

So tonight's life drawing session at Jankura Art Space was a spin off celebration of Goya's birthday - so we did 'Goua's witch'.  So to fit the theme, I brought my black paper and white pencil. The contrast turned out pretty well me thinks.              Keep arting my friends!

Happy New Year all you beautiful people! The first life drawing session of the year I attended was a wonderful experience. Jankura Art Space had an expecting mother from France as their model for the night. However, she was 40 minutes late, so I started the night with some doodles. I drew a bust of a Roman... Continue Reading →

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