On the third day of Chuseok, Jankura Artspace held a special Chuseok themed life drawing session. Instead of having a ton of food on stage, our model wore the dress part of a hanbok. This time I had misplaced my black pen, so I used only blue and red ball point pen with white, blue and... Continue Reading →
Sunday Portrait Session
Time for a three hour session! I decided to start with my current standard of ball point pen, water color pencil and brush pen: I also decided to try some actual water color: I used a water color brush pen. No dipping for water, just squeeze! So far I'm loving it! Keep arting my friends!
August 12 Life Drawing
August 12 Life Drawing
With all the special drawing sessions, it feels like a while since I've been to a regular life drawing session! We started off with six gesture drawings to determine our long pose: I got two drawings finished during the long pose. The curly hair was really difficult to work with, but it was still... Continue Reading →
99 Portraits: 11, 12 and 13
Three more portraits since last time. While these fairly standard portraits are fine, I think I want to do some more crazy portraits. Because those are more fun. Still working on getting this style figured out. Feel free to comment on your thoughts on the process! If you would like your portrait drawn, feel... Continue Reading →
Tonight I continued my life drawing onslaught with my weapon of choice: a cheap bic pen! We drew six gesture drawings to choose our long pose for the rest of the night: And then for the long haul I went with a ball point pen base, highlights with a conté pencil and finished up with a... Continue Reading →
A Seoul Alley at Dusk
Crosshatching takes a lot of time! Enjoy the progress shots below! If you want to see other work as its being made, follow me on Instagram or Facebook! Keep Arting my friends!
Arting in 2016
A quick look at a few things I'm working on these days! While I've picked up a new job, I'm still working on various projects. Which get done at different rates. Here are a few! Imp Doodles I still love drawing this guy. While I want to do a story with him, these one shots... Continue Reading →